Monday, December 19, 2005
Yeah so it is Monday
I am heading to work now. I will try my best to update later this week.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Still Alive
Friday, November 25, 2005
Thanksgiving recap
I decided to head back to PC Thursday night. I started straightening the house (I am cooking Saturday) and drinking wine. Before the night was over I was completely trashed with only a moderately clean house. I think the wine got stronger! Woke up this morning early and did some more cleaning then went grocery shopping.
I bought the smallest turkey I could find which was still 10lbs and other trimming items. Stay tuned for how my first thanksgiving goes.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Just curious
You're an 80's kid if:
1. You ever ended a sentence w/ the word "SIKE"
2. You watched Pound Puppies
3. You can sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air"
4. You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish.
5. You yearned to be a member of the babysitters club and tried to start One of your own.
6. You owned those lil Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.
7. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on "Blossom"
8. Two words: M.C.Hammer
9. If you ever watched Fraggle Rock
10. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars.
11. You can sing the entire theme song to "DuckTales"
12. It was actually worth getting up on Sat morning to watch cartoons
13. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head
14. You saw "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen
15. You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class.
16. You had a clip that held your shirt in a knot at the side
17. You played the game MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House)
18. You wore a Jordache jean jacket and you were proud of it
19. L.A. Gear... need I say more
20. You wanted to change your name to "JEM" in kindergarten
21. You remember all of the Ramona books
22. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF"
23. You wanted to be a Goonie
24. You ever wore fluorescent clothing (some head to toe)
25. You can remember what Michael Jackson REALLY looked like
26. You ever wondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf
27. You took lunch pals to school
28. You remember the CRAZE! , then the BANNING of slap bracelets
29. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence
30. Barbie and the Rockers were your fav band
31. You thought She-Ra and He-Man should hook up
32. You thought your childhood friends would never leave you b/c you
exchanged friendship bracelets
33. You ever owned a pair of jelly shoes (and probably in neon colors)
34. After Pee-Wee's Big Adventures you kept saying "I know you are but
what am I"
35. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"
36. You remember skating before inline skates
37. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip-n-slide
38. You had a Skip-it
39. You had or attended a b-day party at Mc Donald's
40. You've gone thru this nodding your head in agreement
41. "Don't worry, Be happy!!"
42. You wore like 8 pair of socks over tights w/high top Reeboks
43. You wore socks scrunched down
45. Boom boxes vs. Cd players
46. Both Gremlin movies
48. You remember Rainbow Bright and My Lil PonyTales
49. You thought Doogie Howser was hot!
50. Alf, the furry brown alien from Melmac
51. New Kids on the Block when they were cool
52. Knew all the characters and there life stories on the ORIGINAL
Saved By the Bell
53. Know all the words to Bon Jovi- SHOT THRU THE HEART
54. You just sang it to yourself
55. You remember when Mullets were cool
56. You tight rolled your pants
57. You owned a banana clip!
I was a kid of the late 80's
Sunday, November 20, 2005
It happened
1. Don't over analyze
2. Don't anticipate the future
3. Do enjoy the moment
4. Don't be so critical
5. Do express my appreciation
I am sure there are many more things on my check list but for the moment those will do. Now, back to your regularly scheduled update.
Friday I actually came home at 1 and didn't work the rest of the day. This week has been extremely rough at work. Several things are going on and I spent the week reminding myself why I love what I do. Additionally, I knew I would be working on thanksgiving goody bags for hours over the course of the weekend, so my afternoon off is justified. I planned on grilling pork chops for dinner... but, remember a few months ago I left the grill on. Yeah so grilling didn't happen, instead I tried to cook the thick pork chops on a George Forman grill. That took forever. We ate then watched the Pacifier.
Saturday was uneventful. Played with he puppies outside for a while then Josh put my dining room table together, and we ate lunch. After lunch the Iron Bowl came on ugh that was terrible! Josh went home at half time to get ready for a mission trip. I spent the afternoon and night doing odd things around the house (never did vacuum though).
Sunday I slept late and almost talked myself out of going to church. About 10:30 I decided I should go and went to Ladonia Baptist Church. The message was good, but the people were not overly friendly to a visitor who what obviously there alone. Came home and started putting the goody bags together. Can you say 5 hours? The breakdown is as follows: 1 hour to cut out the cards and punch a hole in them, 30 mins to mix the ingredients, 2 hours to stuff 50 bags, 1.5 hours to tie the cute little ribbon on.
All in all the weekend was great now it is off to work for this very short week!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
You people suck!
Stuff is good right now, not great but good.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Doing well
I have however decided I need a roommate preferably someone with a green thumb, my yard is a death trap with me taking care of it. Still haven't decided if I am going to the gump t/m I need to finish my work b4 Monday.
Someone leave me a comment (I ain't to proud to beg) I feel neglected!
So i have a good life
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | |
Mind: | |
Body: | |
Spirit: | |
Friends/Family: | |
Love: | |
Finance: | |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
To add to this I don't find these shirts funny, but if you want to wear them fine. I just don't see myself wearing something that implies I am stupid. They have some mild ones here
Monday, October 31, 2005
Beach trip
This weekend was so much fun! Friday night I went to Heather’s engagement party at her aunt’s house. When I walked in she ran to meet me and we jumped up and down and screamed. Meanwhile her family was looking like who in the world is this. Yay I am her Maid of Honor that’s who! Then I went to Diflipo’s with my mom and little bro and his friend Alex. Diflipo’s is this pizza place in Ozark it has the best pizza (better than pizza hut ;) even) and an amazing Italian Sub!
Saturday morning we got up and Michael took forever to get ready. We finally left an hour or so after we had planned the drive down wasn’t that bad. We stayed at the Holiday Inn SunSpree the beach was beautiful! Momma laid out while Michael, Alex and I went for about a mile long walk on the beach from the motel to Pineapple Willy’s. We were walking on a sandbar ankle deep and suddenly Alex stepped off of it and fell in up to his chest. Michael turned around and stayed dry, but I kept walking. By the time the sandbar ended the water was waist deep for me. In case you were wondering, the
Saturday night Michael wanted to eat at Pineapple Willy’s, it was the worst food ever and $88 for four people. We could have gone to the Treasure Ship for that! Then we went to Cobra and rode go carts. I almost overtook Michael from three cars back! If Alex had gotten out of my way about 100ft sooner I would have won! Oh well it was lot’s of fun.
We went back to the motel and momma and I went out to the hot tub. While we were out there a guy started hitting on her. Later she made a comment about having a grown daughter, and he looked very confused. She then told him I was her daughter. He asked, “Just how old are you?” When she said 42 I thought he would drown in the hot tub. So my question is this: you are a 33 yr old guy, do you hit on me or my mom. It was so funny.
Sunday we went out in the ocean for about an hour, very cold. The water was so pretty I had to go out in it. We stayed out up to our shoulders until the boys disappeared from the beach. Those wimps were tired and went back up to the room to watch TV. For lunch we went to Sweet Basil’s. By the time we got back to Ozark the boys had gotten on my last nerve. I hopped in my car and came back home.
The pets were happy to see me when I got here, the dogs ran right in and to the kennel for the night. I guess they got cold over the weekend.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Single... Again
I keep thinking that my life will settle down soon. I have, in recent hours, come to the conclusion that….*Drum Roll Please* I have relationship ADD! It’s true. Now I know some of you are formulating your response already, but please read on with an open mind.
Let’s look at the facts:
Relationship #1
Great guy, motivated, hard working, nicely dressed, hard body, cool family
What I didn’t like… Clingy and his *prepare yourself* teeth! Those two things drove me nuts.
Relationship #2
again great guy, successful, determined, motivated, helpful, supportive, complimenting, Great Family!
What I didn’t like … still not sure just wasn’t happening
I could go on but those are recent and fresh on my mind. The point is that when I get what I want, I become bored. Am I setting myself up for a bad relationship? The relationships I stay emotionally attached to are always the ones that are somewhat unhealthy. Like I have that grass is greener on the other side mentality. It is terrible.
I enjoy being independent, but I would like to find “the one” soon. I hate coming home to only 3 dogs and a cat. I miss the interaction with friends. I like cooking dinner and talking about the day with someone. I know you aren’t supposed to look for romance, but geez I dislike being alone. It is ok for some girls to stay single till their late 20’s or even later, but I sure hope I meet someone soon.
All of that to say friends and sisters start playing match maker again. I have extinguished yet another relationship.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Friday: Breakfast in Bowling Green around 9 followed by shopping on the square with Marla...(De and Tocco hate the wraps we bought)

Saturday: 9:00 am!! Megan calls Marla to finish last min wedding things. Two things I learned from this, Kinkos is the best ever and make sure the person running errands the day of the wedding is familiar with the town!
4:15 pm Marla and I park the car and sprint through the tunnel back to the motel to get ready for the wedding.
4:45 Trolly is full
5:00 Get in trolly to go to the wedding "I am sure they won't start on time" said Tocco
5:10 Follow Megan up the isle... Guess he was wrong
after the wedding De ask, "Why would someone call me donkey?"
6:00 the reception begins

Post wedding reception: Durty Bird Bar "I want to try a beer" "What would you like?" ask Tocco "A Heineken!" after unsuccessfully trying to get me to change my order he gets me a heineken... GROSS but I let pride get the best of me and choked down half b4 leaving.
Sunday: Where's Marla... ok we got her 30 mins later Dammit where's Marla
10:30 leave for Montgomery
10:30pm arrive in Montgomery
Long but great weekend!!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Monday, October 03, 2005
You are a Social Conservative (28% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (33% permissive) You are best described as a: Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Not sure about this one
Take the quiz: "What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)"
You have moonlight eyes. Moonlight is the color of mystery. Your eyes symbolize your ability to see yourself as others see you. You have finesse for letting other people know what you think. You have a soothing and calming ability that you may or may not know about. You have the awesome ability to draw a person's negative energy out and replace it with a positive energy; the world needs more people like you. Some words to describe you: patient, self-controlled, perseverance, insightful, reflective, understanding, serene, and caring.
I am not sure I agree with some of these things. I am interested in your feedback. Also I will try and reframe from putting pictures on this site where I look "To grown up" according to Cathy. Love you all!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Birthday week
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Weekly update

Friday, August 12, 2005
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Playing Catch Up
Work has been crazy lately I have been balancing one thing after another and I am not seeing any visible results. A big and important part of my job is to get new patients (pts), kind of a double edged sword. Getting new is good for me and my job security, but it also means someone is dying. It has been hard to ajust to this. I know in my soul why I moved away from everyone I love for a job that I am unsure of, because I was so touched by the company when my grandparents had it. However in the last few months I have discovered some very important things about myself:
1) I am a perfectionist. That is why my projects never get done until the last min. I am always scrapping ideas and starting over.
2) I like to work in an organized structured environment. Don't get me wrong there is always structure in my work but for the job I have I feel completely out in the dark sometimes. I feel very unqualified to "sale" anything but jewelry. Saling jewelry I was good at. Hospice on the otherhand... Not so good at.
3) I miss my friends. Leaving my hometown was easy because I didn't have any friends. Leaving Montgomery has been very hard. I miss those people who I saw everyday. It hasn't been easy to meet people my age over here.
and finally,
4) I do get overwhelmed and stressed out when left alone. It was so easy not to "melt down" in Montgomery. Someone was always having a worse day than me. I have always been the sunny person who helps others out. Being over here has taken that away from me. I don't know what is going on in some people's life's and I am left to deal solely with my own life.
I guess what I am saying is I am very happy but also very sad. I miss everyone so much and I keep falling behind in work projects. I will make it though and I know I have great friends who are never more than a phone call away.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Friday, July 29, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Long week
In other news, I was going to cut my front yard today however the ground is still wet from all the rain and I got the mower stuck. No worries the boy across the street came over to help me get it unstuck and he is going to cut my grass (only the front and side yards) from now on. Remember when I moved I wanted the ability to cut my own grass not necessarily doing it myself.
Today is my little cousin's 8th Birthday. I have gotten to be more of an aunt than a cousin to all of them because I am so much older. He is a sweet little guy very shy, but very smart!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
highlights from the week
Monday: Today was a very stressful day at work. I had a message on my cell phone from my supervisor, and she has a very accusing sounding voice. So I dread calling her back all day luckily when I did call back I got her voicemail too. Also it was raining this morning and I had no power so I felt like a drowned rat all day. Finally, the CEO of the company was in town and since it was raining, I stayed in the office most of the day. Well this is bad since I get paid to be out marketing. However, the way I looked today I had no business being out marketing. It was a lose-lose situation all day. My bright spot happened after work…
Thursday, July 07, 2005
This will be the last entry for a few weeks due to the fact that Cable TV of East Alabama has a monopoly in the area I am moving to and will not be able to hook up my internet and TV until July 19th. Never fear however I will be bored so I plan to type an update on word and post them when I get internet back. Today was fantastic! I got to call bingo, got a referral from a doctor who has refused to use us for 6 years, and made nurses happy with an afternoon of cookies. I love what I do! Friday will be the first night I spend in my new house. As you all know I am a scaredy cat so
So here we are in the same old spot knowing something needs to happen but our mouths are locked Tongue tied closed tight sealed shut yup i tried hard but it just wasn't enough
it's on the tip of my tongue it's on the front of my mind yet the words were still so hard to find finally the reality of things that come and push me to the edge I jumped off the cliff into the abyss as I said
I’m not trying to be a nuisance I just think we can do better than this that was simply my two cents you can you can take it or leave it
The conversation lingered on and on and before I knew it night had turned to dawn and we'll be searching for the truth in all of this ha are we debating just to win the argument cause none of us wanna hear about where we go wrong this song could easily be from me to you or me to john cause I have the potential to be the guiltiest ha my greatest strength is also my strongest weakness
I’m not trying to be a nuisance I just think we can do better than this that was simply my two cents you can you can take it or leave it
I’m not trying to be a nuisance I just think we can do better than this that was simply my two cents you can you can take it or leave it
Let's think about this path that we're taking let's think about this future we're creating let's think about it come on think about it let’s think about this time we're spending investing on monetary things that are ending let's think about it then let's think about it and let's think about what we can do to make it better
I’m not trying to be a nuisance I just think we can do better than this that was simply my two cents you can you can take it or leave it
I’m not trying to be a nuisance I just think we can do better than this that was simply my two cents you can you can take it or leave it
I’m not trying to be a nuisance I just think we can do better than this that was simply my two cents you can you can take it or leave it
(we can and we will)
Sunday, July 03, 2005
What a week :)
Funny story time...
as I mentioned before, there is no water at my house yet, so last night I drove back over to Montgomery for the sole purpose of getting a nice hot shower. You need to take a min. To understand how much I was looking forward to this shower. As I got closer I realized my trailer park was dark. I started prying "haha ok God not funny" then pleading, "Please all I want is a hot shower" to no avail. I mustered up the courage to take a shower in the dark, I really have always been afraid of the dark. It was a hot shower so that was good. Now normally a power outage wouldn't be a problem, but I had packed everything up including candles and flashlights. I was in complete darkness for an hour before I fell asleep.
I am about to go back to Phenix City to "finish" unpacking today (yeah right). My goal is no more boxes after three weeks! See you all soon I hope.
Friday, July 01, 2005
I did it
Monday, June 27, 2005
I like this song
Well I'm no different than the average girl
My dreams wrap around the world
And I'll be living somewhere in France
When my dreams come true
There'll be a big boat waitin' on me
I'll ride it out to sea
And Ill get up on the roof and dance
When my dreams come true
I'll find the perfect guy
Whose heart beats just like mine
And his great ambition will be me
When my dreams come true
He'll say, "Honey,you sure look nice tonight"
Every night
And he'll beat all you've ever seen
When my dreams come true
For eternity
When they turn into
My reality
I'll be with you
When my dreams come true
If I'm sleepin' please don't wake me up
At least this way
I'll know what I'm gonna do
When my dreams come true
For eternity
When they turn into
My reality
I'll be with you
When my dreams come true
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
how right is this? leave feedback
Your Birthdate: August 31 |
Your birthday suggests that you are a good organizer and manager, an energetic and dependable worker; attributes often showing success in the business world. Serious and sincere, you have the patience and determination necessary to accomplish a great deal. Your approach can be original, but often rigid and stubborn. Sensitivity may be present, but feeling are likely to be repressed. You are good with detail and insist on accuracy, but at times scatter energies. You're a practical thinker, but not without imagination. You love travel and don't like to live alone. You should probably marry early, for responsibility is necessary for your stability. |
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Weekly update
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Yard sale saddness
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
I love my Job
Friday, May 27, 2005
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Now to address those anonymous commenters. Had you taken the time to read past entries or my profile you would understand that I am a very happy and satisfied person. Like most people however I sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed. Never once have I thought things were going wrong, plans just changed and I know beyond a doubt that God is in control. The previous post was simply a written out prayer that I had with God. He knows my heart and knows it is not one of discontent. Everyday I thank Him for my family, health as bad as it sometimes seems, and my successes. You see I could be a "mad at the world" person I wake up in extreme pain everyday yet I hold down a regular job and make personal sacrifices to stay as healthy as possible. It is only by God's grace and the outstanding role model my mother has been that I am able to do this.
I further suggest that if you wish to comment on my blog in a negative manor you at least leave the link to your own journal so that I and my friends may comment about what I conclude is probably a very whinny entry. To build each other up is a far better use of the time God has given us. In the future if there is not something positive to say I do ask that you don't say it unless you are one of my dear friends who may need
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Ok God What Now
So You have successfully changed every plan I ever made about my future. I am now just gonna wait on You. How's that sound? Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all, but what's next am I supposed to continue driving for 3 hours a day just to get to work and back? And, just how long do you plan on me doing this singles thing? I gotta tell you I'm not loving it. There is just one more thing right now, how about stop letting me get my hopes up about things and then them not working out. That would be very nice and considerate if I could stop being disappointed everytime I turn around.
Thanks a Bunch
Monday, May 02, 2005
No time
Monday, April 25, 2005
no time for a real update
Your Linguistic Profile: |
60% General American English |
25% Dixie |
15% Yankee |
0% Midwestern |
0% Upper Midwestern |
humm interesting
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Saturday Again???
Have a good week I will try to update b4 next Saturday this time.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Time is flying by
Monday I got pre-approved for a mortgage :-D I now know how much house I can afford!
Tuesday I worked in Phenix City/ Columbus and got lost like you wouldn't believe.
Wednesday I wound up in Ft. Benning while trying to get from Columbus to Phenix City.
Thursday I worked in Selma.
Friday I got off at 12 and slept for hours rather than cleaning house like I should have.
Now deep thoughts by me:
Waking up every morning and asking God to take care of my day has proved to be a blessing. This week was crazy, I have tons of life changes coming up yet I have had a nice peaceful feeling about most of it. Yes there have been few moments of stress but all in all a very nice week.
Boys are silly and ... well I just can't figure them out... I think I will stop trying
Cathy and Heather will be my best friends forever, I love you both very much I will miss not being with you when I move.
Atlas you are a great sounding board I hope the season goes well for you.
Now I will leave you with a final question...
How does my house get so messed up and dirty when I am never here!! I know some of you have keys I think I will blame you, or maybe it is Peaches (who by the way now thinks she is a mom to this little stuffed bunny)
Have a great weekend!!
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Happy Easter
We went to my aunts house for dinner where none of the typical Easter dishes were served :( with the potato salad exception. My little cousins are getting big, and I had no desire to hunt Easter eggs this year. Strange...
I finally got to leave between downpours around 2 and made it to Troy. I decided to leave my cousins CD with one of our friends up there since I didn't get to see him this weekend. When I got there the news alert was on and Montgomery was under a tornado warning so I waited in Troy for a while.
Made it back to Montgomery and decided to cook... Strange... However much to my disappointment, no one wanted to come over for dinner. So I cooked anyway and put it in the fridge for t/m. Crazy people who chooses hotdogs over a real homecooked meal.
All and all today has been strange, the weather, my emotions, food choices all very very strange
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Too much @ once
Monday, March 14, 2005
Early Bedtime Tonight
Sunday, March 13, 2005
This is long but worth reading
I realize it has been a while, but I have been super busy. I started at Wiregrass Hospice this week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were spent in the
I rode with the Chaplain on Thursday, we went to several houses and then a funeral and finally a few nursing homes. It was in the nursing home where I almost lost it, this sweet couple who have been married over 70 years are both on Hospice. The woman is in worse shape than her husband, and he was telling us how she woke up depressed that morning. He went on to say she was sad about not being able to enjoy their home and see all the memories in the home. He then told us about praying with her and talking and deciding that God has a reason for them being here. About that time I looked up and there was a tear dropping from the tip of this sweet man’s face onto his wife’s bed. I was so overcome at that moment.
How wonderful it is to have someone to spend your entire life with. This couple can remember playing marbles together when they were just children. On the flip side how painful it must be to watch your spouse die. I have a strong faith in God just as these two, and I pray I will know those joys and pains one day.
The great thing about Hospice is most of the patients know what is happening to them and accept it. Our goal is to allow them to have the fullest life possible for whatever time they have left. I think I am going to love my job I know these first few weeks are going to be emotionally taxing on me, so if I could ask my friends just to call me and see how I am doing it would mean a lot to me.
Friday I rode with a nurse, we left the office about
Friday, March 04, 2005
Sunday, February 20, 2005
A busy week
Wednesday: Went to work, answered phones and filed things. We had a rehearsal and took pictures. Cathy and I went to Sinclair's for drinks
Thursday: Work, moved files all day. Off Broadway, then Applebee's with Alton and some other folks.
Friday: Work. Off Broadway. Mom, Aunt Margie, and Dustin saw the show. Went to Crackerbarrel with Dustin afterwards.
Saturday: Alton brought me breakfast, then Josh came over and we drove by the house he is looking at. Went to Dillard's to buy a wedding gift. Then we went to Huntingdon to see people. The last show of Off Broadway!!! Went to Josh's to watch a movie with them.
SUNDAY: Went to church at St James with Josh. Now I am about to go eat at Mexico Tipico with Alton :-D
That is all
Monday, February 14, 2005
This morning started off great!
Later today I did the Yoga thing then felt energized so I did Pilates. Well, I didn’t quite make it all the way through the Pilates video only about 20 mins of it.
Hope you have all had a great Valentines Day!
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
So much to do
There is so much that I need to be doing but I am so unmotivated to do anything.
I need to send off my taxes, and organize my receipts (get stapler). I need to start getting showers before 3 in the afternoon. I need to find a job (but I am still looking) got semi-good news on that today. Ok so really there isn’t that much that I need to do. Still there is a lot I could be doing if I could just get motivated to do it.
OK that is enough griping for one day sorry.
Have a nice day
Monday, February 07, 2005
Amazing simply amazing
this was fun
You Are 25 Years Old |
25 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Productive days
Well despite not feeling well yesterday, I was productive. I woke up around 10 and started to do laundry. I changed my mind and decided to go through all my clothes before I washed any of them. I have a laundry basket of dirty clothes and a huge garbage bag of clothes to give away. I am planning on having a quilt made from my high school t-shirts, so I gathered them in a box to take home. I took my gold silk dress to the cleaners L there are water spots on it.
All in all it was an ok day thanks to
Monday, January 31, 2005
Saturday, January 29, 2005
: )
I had an interesting question posed tonight, what was your best first date. I couldn’t remember many first dates. Strange, this is why I have started keeping this blog so I can remember stuff. Well tonight’s first date was run of the mill but it was still great! Dinner and a movie (Hide and Seek) it was a must see. That’s all for now I am about to go work out! I hope all my sisters have a blast at sisterhood retreat.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
I am a bum :(
Sunday, January 16, 2005
It has been a good weekend!
Friday I had a wonderful interview with Wiregrass Hospice. I will hear from them on Tuesday to set up a ride along. If all goes well there it will lead to another interview *fingers crossed and saying a prayer* I would really like the job, but I would have to move and I don’t want to do that. Waking up at
Saturday Alton, Patrick, Haydyn, Dee, Jason, and I went to
Well there you go, all caught up on my life. Go back to whatever it was you should be doing rather than reading my journal.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Time for the first rant!
I go through life with one simple attitude, be real. Sometimes I am blunt, I get to the point and I guess it can occasionally hurt someone’s feelings. I strongly believe that if there is a problem, the best way to deal with it is to address it. Am I wrong? Is there a better way? If you walk around with a big stain on the back of your pants, I feel it necessary to point it out quietly to you. By quietly I do not mean in front of tons of people scream loudly, “OH MY GOD WHAT’S THAT ON YOUR @$$” if I can I will pull you aside and whisper, “you have something on your butt” In return I would not expect a slap in the face followed by you screaming “I PUT THAT INK ON MY PANTS THIS MORNING! THANKS FOR THE CRITICISM!”
Anyway, I will continue to treat people the same way I would like to be treated. Frankly, if I am ever being flat out rude I would fully expect my friends to say so. With that BITE ME!
Additionally after checking to see if I am correct in saying this, “Multiple objects of prepositions are in the objective case.” Hodge’s Harbrace Handbook p.79
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Wow 2005 can you believe it! I can remember when everyone was concerned about Y2K. There are some computer people who have decided they should have let half the government offices go down rather than fix them since no one believes that Y2K was really a concern.
On another note New Years Eve was excellent;