Friday, May 27, 2005


Guess who signed a contract on a house today... give up? ME! That's right if all goes well I will join the ranks of the forever indebted on June 27th. Happy Days! This weekend I am going with Alton and Brad to Mississippi for many random events including Biscuits game, Beach time, and watching them loose money at the casino. Should make for an interesting post next week.


Charlie said...

... except no post and not even an answer to my IM tonight. Sadness.

Congrats though. Are you any closer to getting Cathy to move since she's working fulltime now? :P

Melanie said...

I did respond it was just this morning. I haven't tried to talk her into it lately, she thinks she has to be over here to help Robin with the wedding :( I think she could do it from Columbus but she doesn't want to. I give it 3 more weeks of full time work b4 she will think about it again.