Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Single... Again

I keep thinking that my life will settle down soon. I have, in recent hours, come to the conclusion that….*Drum Roll Please* I have relationship ADD! It’s true. Now I know some of you are formulating your response already, but please read on with an open mind.

Let’s look at the facts:

Relationship #1
Great guy, motivated, hard working, nicely dressed, hard body, cool family
What I didn’t like… Clingy and his *prepare yourself* teeth! Those two things drove me nuts.

Relationship #2
again great guy, successful, determined, motivated, helpful, supportive, complimenting, Great Family!
What I didn’t like … still not sure just wasn’t happening

I could go on but those are recent and fresh on my mind. The point is that when I get what I want, I become bored. Am I setting myself up for a bad relationship? The relationships I stay emotionally attached to are always the ones that are somewhat unhealthy. Like I have that grass is greener on the other side mentality. It is terrible.

I enjoy being independent, but I would like to find “the one” soon. I hate coming home to only 3 dogs and a cat. I miss the interaction with friends. I like cooking dinner and talking about the day with someone. I know you aren’t supposed to look for romance, but geez I dislike being alone. It is ok for some girls to stay single till their late 20’s or even later, but I sure hope I meet someone soon.

All of that to say friends and sisters start playing match maker again. I have extinguished yet another relationship.


Charlie said...

You live out in the middle of nowhere! You're coming home to an empty house no matter what...

Seriously, though. Good luck. You shouldn't need it though. I mean, you got it goin' on and stuff.

Melanie said...

what good is it that i "got it goin' on and stuff" when there is no one to share it with

Cath said...

I wouldn't worry. I think there were good reasons that those two relationships didn't work out, and seriously, anything you had before the age of, say, 18 just doesn't count. You'll find the right one eventually; you'll know because you won't get bored. :)