Saturday, July 01, 2006


When I was younger I wanted to be a fashion model. It was my dream to walk down a New York runway, cameras flashing all around me and headlines describing the new top model. I wanted to study fashion and design. I wanted to make clothes that women could live in. Fashionable, washable and most importantly I wanted to design clothes that made women feel beautiful. I lost that dream along with over $800 in the summer of 2002, but I did get some nice pictures.

Last night a friend asked me about my current dream. For those of you who don't know, here it is. I want to marry a caring, supportive, Christian man. After a few years of marriage, I want to start a family. I want to stay at home with my children, keep a nice clean house and volunteer in the community. Is it really such a crazy dream?

He wanted to know what I would do if my prince charming doesn't make enough money to support me staying at home with children. I don't think having enough money is really the question. Managing what you have and living within your income is the bottom line. He said think about all the stuff you won't have. My point is on all the memories that my children will have. They will know that their parents love them.

Honestly, I just want to know the dreams of my children. I want to support them in their efforts. I don't want them to ever think back to dream they used to have the way I do.

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