Monday, April 16, 2007

2:00? When Did 1:00 Get Here?

No way is it already 2:30! I have been so busy at work this morning that i did something totally out of character. I missed lunch. I was busy working on a new graphic for the website and completely missed lunch. Unbelievable! I am going to attempt to include the graphic that made me miss lunch, but i sometimes have issues with uploading things to my blog. If you are curious and can't see it here you can always go to to view some of my handiwork.


Bone said...

Wow, three posts in a month! A feller could get used to this.

Good job on the comala blog, too ;)

Melanie said...

Well thank you very much. What can I say, you are an inspiration ;) Now if I can just finish reading that HTML for dummies we would really be rocking!