Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Orange Beach

I love the beach! Tell me what you think Bone ^_^ I am a mean list maker!

The group @ dinner.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Mission Trip Update

I have decided not to go to Costa Rica next year. I have prayed about it and it just doesn't feel like the right time. Not to mention no one in my family wants to go with me. My little bro said "I'm not leaving the country!" There was no pursuading him to get on a plane.

Each of the last 3 years has been filled with so much change that I pause to think about where I will be in 10 months. I would have to use almost all of my built up vacation time, and then what would I do if Mr. Right came along and wanted to marry me? I wouldn't have any time left for a nice honeymoon.

Nope, not next year, but I will return one day!

Melanie and Melanie in 2004

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

3WW #1

Welcome to Three Word Wednesday. Each week, Bone will post three (or more) random words. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write something using all of those words. It can be a few lines, a story, a poem, anything. Bone will also attempt to write something using the same words.
Leave a comment if you participate. Many fun and interesting people might visit your blog.
This week’s words are:

Last week I received my yearly e-mail announcing the details of the Costa Rica Mission Trip. I sat quietly reading the e-mail and thinking about the wonderful times I have had on past trips. There is such a burning desire in my heart to go back to Costa Rica. Costa Rica is the only place on earth that I don't mind sweating. I can stay out all day working on the churches or with the children there. I love the people that I meet. Costa Rica is also the only place I have ever taken a taxi by myself. I would love to go back next year. I only have a few weeks left to decide. I am going to call my little bro this afternoon when he gets out of school and see if he would want to go next year. He will be 14 then and we get along pretty well when Momma and Daddy aren't around.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Money questions

Yesterday I got paid. Today I have around $30 in my acount. By the end of the day, I will put up my finacial breakdown of the last month. Yes that is right. My check register is going online. Right here on this very blog! People say show me your checkbook and I will show you your priorities. Well, I am having trouble figuring out my priorities. So, maybe you can assist me. Check back later this week and tell me if you think I am living a balanced life. In the mean time, read this article on one of my favorite websites. I don't go there unless I can handle a conviction