Welcome to Three Word Wednesday. Each week, Bone will post three (or more) random words. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write something using all of those words. It can be a few lines, a story, a poem, anything. Bone will also attempt to write something using the same words.
Leave a comment if you participate. Many fun and interesting people might visit your blog.
This week’s words are:
Last week I received my yearly e-mail announcing the details of the Costa Rica Mission Trip. I sat quietly reading the e-mail and thinking about the wonderful times I have had on past trips. There is such a burning desire in my heart to go back to Costa Rica. Costa Rica is the only place on earth that I don't mind sweating. I can stay out all day working on the churches or with the children there. I love the people that I meet. Costa Rica is also the only place I have ever taken a taxi by myself. I would love to go back next year. I only have a few weeks left to decide. I am going to call my little bro this afternoon when he gets out of school and see if he would want to go next year. He will be 14 then and we get along pretty well when Momma and Daddy aren't around.
I enjoyed your little blurb about your trip (which I assume you actually went on)! I followed the link through Bones to read your story (not a stalker) but enjoyed learning a bit about you in process of scanning your blog!
Taking a 14 year old brother on a trip like that would really be cool.
Cool! This way I learnt a bit about you. Your dillema.
You should go, I think!
Welcome to 3WW!
Hope you get to go...
And welcome to 3WW.
Hey, Cheerleader! Good job on your first 3WW :)
Sounds like it's something you really enjoyed. I think you should try to go again.
Thanks for reading everyone! I don't think my blog has ever been commented on this many times!
I definitely think you should go - and take your hermanito :)
Costa Rica is on my list of places to go: I wanted to study abroad there but none of the programs worked towards my major, so I "settled" for Spain ;-)
P.S. You do realize we're all wanting updates on this now... right?
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