Tuesday, October 30, 2007

So Sorry

Ok, so last week I was a little testy. Rest assured that I was really convicted about my attitude. You see Sunday a week ago, I taught on having joy from God. I told my wonderful middle schoolers that they couldn't let things of this world rob them of the joy. I let circumstances last week rob me of my joy.
Any guesses what this weeks lesson was? Romans 5:1-10, in a nutshell we are to rejoice in our trials and suffering because they lead to perseverance and perseverance to character, and character to hope. Why do we have hope? Our hope is because of Christ's love for us. We can mess up, be mean, and well just be human, but if we have accepted Jesus as our Savior then our sins are covered by His blood. All we have to do is ask.
Is His grace and forgiveness a free pass? Certainly not! Asking God to forgive me for my nasty attitude last week and especially for my nasty words toward one of His children is the beginning. I also felt compelled to ask my friends and co-workers for their forgiveness and also thanked them for being there for me. Which leads me to the reason for this post. To ask my blogger friends to forgive me and to thank each and every one of you who offered your words of encouragement through comments last week.
Certainly there are people who will read this and wonder why in the world I am apologizing. After all, this is my blog a place to write and express myself, my feelings, and activities as well as my joys and concerns. As true as that is, I try to live by a statement I heard as a teenager. "Be careful of the life you lead, you may be the only Bible some people ever read"
Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Your email link is not working, so I will catch up with you this way. Thanks for your kind words on my blog and for your prayers.

Peace and Blessings...
faithful chick

Joe said...

Rejoice in trials?

Melanie said...

Yes, rejoice in trials. James 1 is a verse that talks about rejoicing in trials. The link is to the commentary for this verse.