Friday, August 24, 2007

Mission Trip Update

I have decided not to go to Costa Rica next year. I have prayed about it and it just doesn't feel like the right time. Not to mention no one in my family wants to go with me. My little bro said "I'm not leaving the country!" There was no pursuading him to get on a plane.

Each of the last 3 years has been filled with so much change that I pause to think about where I will be in 10 months. I would have to use almost all of my built up vacation time, and then what would I do if Mr. Right came along and wanted to marry me? I wouldn't have any time left for a nice honeymoon.

Nope, not next year, but I will return one day!

Melanie and Melanie in 2004


Charlie said...

Hell, I'll go to Costa Rica!

Also... you might need to double check that picture caption...

Cath said...

I think I'd go too. Except for the fact that I'm low on money at the moment.

TC said...

Bummer about the mission trip, but it sounds like you really thought it through.

Melanie said...

SHOOT! I hate trying to comment on blogspot! I just lost my comment, here it is again.

Oh Charlie, I would love to go to another country with you, but all your other girlfriends would be so upset. The caption is correct. My name is Melanie, her name is Melanie, and it was the summer of 2004.

Cath, I'll let you slide on Costa Rica. You better still be in the car with me and Jessica next weekend though. I didn't get burnt enough this weekend at the beach, I must go back!

Thanks TC, I did think and pray about it alot. Next year just isn't the right time. There are plenty of missions right here at home.

Bone said...

I'm sure it's the right decision, Cheerleader.

Cute pic, by the way!