Thursday, August 09, 2007

Money questions

Yesterday I got paid. Today I have around $30 in my acount. By the end of the day, I will put up my finacial breakdown of the last month. Yes that is right. My check register is going online. Right here on this very blog! People say show me your checkbook and I will show you your priorities. Well, I am having trouble figuring out my priorities. So, maybe you can assist me. Check back later this week and tell me if you think I am living a balanced life. In the mean time, read this article on one of my favorite websites. I don't go there unless I can handle a conviction


Charlie said...

These are my two favorite financial blogs:

Money, Matter, and More Musings


Ben Stein's "How Not to Ruin Your Life"

Can't wait to dive into Melanie's finances...

Bone said...

There are Red Robins in Alabama??? I had no idea! I love eating there.

And your boyfriend should mow your lawn, assuming you have one :)

Melanie said...

Charlie:Thanks for those and tell me what you think of my finances. I think I eat to much.

Bone: Yes we have a fairly new RR here in town. I must say i was not impressed. I was craving a cheddar cheese burger from Cheeburger Cheeburger, but was told RR was just as good if not better. Let me tell you that was a lie! I felt jipped. As for the boyfriend... on again off again, after helping me bild a fence i doubt if he will ever offer his help again. Who would have thought that I am a perfectionist???

Cath said...

Eat too much or eat OUT too much? ;) Heh.