Tuesday, January 31, 2006

New Job

My first day was great! I am doing pretty much the same job for a different company in Montgomery. Today I start my ride-a-longs, I will go with a nurse and a social worker today. There is someone coming to look at the house this weekend :-D happy days!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The holidays were great for me. I got to spend just enough time with the family to appreciate them, but not enough time to get annoyed with them. I got some good gifts and ate some good food. I got to spend a lot of time with Josh (almost four whole days) over the New Year's weekend. Considering that we usually see each other from late Friday night to early Sunday afternoon, Friday – Monday was a welcome change.

Tomorrow will be the first Monday in 2 weeks of working. I am kind of excited about it, because the four day weeks have been killers. It seems that I never catch up from missing Monday. Don't get me wrong I love paid days off but goodness will I ever catch up.

This weekend Josh and I rented Hitch. It was nice to watch something that didn't have static. For those of you who don't know, I only have rabbit ears on my TV so my selection is limited to ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, and GPB (PBS) oh and if the wind is blowing right UPN from Opelika. Anyways I think I would like to spend the $14.99 to get the all you can rent movies per month from Movie Gallery. I think I will start in the gallery section and rent all movies a-z.

I hope I can start to update more often now. I have a nice clean house and I will be at home next weekend as well. It is hard to stay focused and upbeat when my weekends are spent in a car. I hope everyone is doing well. Phone calls and visits are encouraged; I do miss my friends from the gump. Have a good week.