Friday, February 03, 2006

3 hour commute

Someone remind me, did I hate driving last year. The place where I work keeps office hours form 8-7 so people work different shifts. Now that is all fine and dandy except the people I ride with in the morning all come in at 8 and the people I ride with in the afternoon com in around 9. That means I am there from 7:50-5:40 preceded and followed by a 90min commute.

The 24 hour breakdown is like this
5:00 am wake up and get dressed
6:30 am leave for work
8:00 am arrive at work
5:30 pm leave work have dinner with josh
6:30 pm start driving home
8:00 pm arrive home feed dogs and cat, look at them say I am sorry babies we will move soon
9:00 pm go to sleep then repeat process

I hope I can rent or sell my house soon. Other than the long hours everything is going well!

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