Saturday, September 22, 2007

This week has been long

You know what, that is an understatement. This week SUCKED! Plain and simple it has just sucked. Normally that isn't a word I use. I don't just throw it around casually but this week that I have lived through completely deserves it.
We are in between bosses at work. Which means that I am essentially responsible to 3 people instead of my old 1 person. I put in 13 hours Wednesday, 11 hours Thursday, and a normal day Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. I could have possibly used some comp time on Friday, but I have too much to do to not be at work. I opened my work e-mail this morning and there was a post on the Comala blog totally railing a post I wrote Friday. A post that I might add, I was very proud of writing. Now I am trying to think of a response before approving the post Monday morning. There is some sort of tropical disturbance in the gulf that is creating havoc in my poor body. And finally, Bama lost tonight.
Now me being the positive person I am I am trying to find something good about this week. Ok I have one, we have about 100 new members in Greenville. Our commercial is almost finished. I got a great massage Friday. My eye exam went well and my prescription is the same as last year. And... I'm single again. Ok how is that we left on a positive note.


Joe said...

Wow...sounds like a week that did indeed suck! Hope if got better for you.

And here's hoping Bama will beat Ole Miss this weekend!

Melanie said...

Roll Tide! They pulled it out!