Monday, July 10, 2006

Just keep swimming. . .

I must apologize for my lack of posts recently. Stuff is happening, but nothing interesting enough to put in here. For those of you who know me personally, you know I occasionally have to battle my fibromyalgia. This is shaping up to be a very stressful week. Unfortunately stress directly corresponds to my fatigue level so I am very lethargic right now. Please keep me in your prayers through this trying time.
I just want to be normal sometimes and it makes me very angry that I am not. I sometimes beat myself up and think that I should be used to this by now, but why should I be used to it. I have been in pain for the last 7 years. Not only physical pain, but emotional as well. I mean really do I have to keep smiling all this time.
Then on the flip side I deal with hospice patients every day. I look at them and see that I could be much worse off. I guess we all have things that we deal with.
Sorry didn't mean for this to be a gripe session.

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