Sunday, July 02, 2006

When will it be over

"I see the beauty of God's world
when I look into your eyes...
I feel the love H gave me
when you smile at me...
I know the gift He blessed me with
when I hold you in my arms.
Happy Valentine's Day
With All My Love"

The relationship ended less than 1 month later. I still can't tell you why. I try to take some of the responsibility, but I don't know what for. Did I assume to much when he said he loved me? No. I only expected what I was also willing to give, everything I had or ever hoped to have.
Right now I want nothing more than to be by his side helping him get through all of his life's current trials. I want to be in his arms at night and hear him tell me he loves me. I want to spend Friday night having a quiet dinner at home and holding each other on the couch. I want to lay in bed at night and talk about our days. I want him to say I love you, I am about to say my prayers, see you in the morning.
My favorite day was Sunday because we would eat breakfast and get ready for church. We ate dinner with his parents on Sunday nights. He would go outside with his dad to the shop. His mom and I would clean the kitchen and talk about random things.
One day he was on the phone with the lady who owned the land we wanted to build on. His dad came inside and sat down at the table with me. He told me how happy he was that I was in his son's life. His dad was a quiet reserved man who kept his thoughts to himself. That day he welcomed me to the family.
He was so strong spiritually. I know that he prayed about us everyday. We would pray about things over dinner. Blessing the food turned into 10 minutes of prayer together. We would pray together before a big day, sometimes him for me other times me for him.
I know that he loved me, but I don't know what changed. The worst part is I have no idea when it changed. One day he was sitting on the dining room table smiling so big. He said he had figured out how he was going to propose to me. A few weeks later he told me he didn't feel anything when I left, if anything he felt relieved.
I don't know what was missing. I guess one day I will find out what it is that he said was missing. I hated being compared to his ex, but in the end I guess I was. He said there was just something missing that he had with her. I think about the love I have for him. I wasn't missing anything, but maybe that is because I have never experienced what he was missing.
His kiss was perfect. He held me tight when we hugged. Best of all he knew how much I loved when he kissed me on the forehead. I felt so safe in his arms.
I miss him in life's little things: sitting beside him in the truck, cleaning up the kitchen together after dinner, walking around the land and watching his face light up when he showed me how he envisioned the house.
One day God will bring me to a point where I know why this happened. I hope it is soon.

1 comment:

Bone said...

You deserve better than someone comparing you unfavorably to his ex. Everyone deserves better than that.

I bet if you look hard, there were things about your relationship that you didn't like or wished were different.

So... tell me more about this cheerleader thing ;-)