Sunday, September 10, 2006

Heather is married!

Thursday morning I left for the beach. Heather wanted a small beach wedding; well heather really only wanted family at her wedding, but Cade wanted a slightly bigger gathering. Several of us arrived Thursday afternoon in time to chill on the beach. It was a great start to the weekend.
A strange man we had been watching kayak back and forth across the ocean warned us of jelly fish. We remembered to watch out for them for a long time considering our drinking habits over the previous hours. It was bound to happen though and I was the first. I was swimming backwards to join the rest of the group after going in for another drink when it hit me. The stupid #^*#(Q #(^*&* ()&^% wrapped around my back. I don't just mean a small portion of my back, it stung me from on top of my right shoulder, wrapped around my mid section hitting mainly the right side, and possibly the most painful area, the damn thing got both but cheeks and all the way down to the back of my knee.
About the same time I was making it out of the water, Doug starts cursing from 20 yards out. Now the difference between Doug and me was I at least knew what the heck had stung me. Doug bless his heart (cause in the south as long as you add bless your heart you can say any thing you want about someone) had never seen a jelly fish before and was clueless about what was on him. He reached in the water, picked it up and slung it as hard as he could. Here is the problem with picking up a jelly fish, not only does it sting you where it originally touched, but it is going to wrap around your arm. Doug makes it out of the water and we are both walking around the beach trying to stop thinking about this stinging pain shooting around our bodies.
Eventually we can't take it any more and head up to the pool in the hopes that chlorine will make it better. Alas the wedding planner caught us before we could get into the pool. Before we knew it there was apple cider vinegar being poured over our stinging red bodies and then seasoned meat tenderizer. Both vinegar and meat tenderizer neutralize the stinging units called nematocysts. Fortunately for us there was no plain vinegar or tenderizer available, so we smelled like the best steak you could ever hope to put in your mouth for about an hour.
Are you ready for my true display of intelligence? When the stinging subsided, or the alcohol started taking over, I decided we needed to swim some more. Yes you heard right we got back into the ocean after being stung very badly by the jelly fish only an hour before. Smart, you bet!

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