Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter

Wow has today been strange! Last night I was so excited about going to Asbury for sunrise service then to First Assembly for regular service. My alarm went off at 5am and I quickly decided that sunrise service was out! Thunder, lightening, and torrential rain didn't seem like the best weather to be in. As it turns out I was right, several roads flooded and we couldn't make it to First Assembly. I decided to go to Asbury cause I could get there. Has anyone else experienced the going back home and finding that all the little kids have grown up and are now as tall as you? It is strange...
We went to my aunts house for dinner where none of the typical Easter dishes were served :( with the potato salad exception. My little cousins are getting big, and I had no desire to hunt Easter eggs this year. Strange...
I finally got to leave between downpours around 2 and made it to Troy. I decided to leave my cousins CD with one of our friends up there since I didn't get to see him this weekend. When I got there the news alert was on and Montgomery was under a tornado warning so I waited in Troy for a while.
Made it back to Montgomery and decided to cook... Strange... However much to my disappointment, no one wanted to come over for dinner. So I cooked anyway and put it in the fridge for t/m. Crazy people who chooses hotdogs over a real homecooked meal.
All and all today has been strange, the weather, my emotions, food choices all very very strange


Charlie said...

I would have. I was hungry.

Anonymous said...

Hotdogs are real food