Saturday, June 11, 2005


Saturday again? I don't understand how life is flying by so quickly these days. It seems like there was a Monday and Friday of this last week. I have no clue where the middle days went. My 90 day probation is over and if my boss would fill out my evaluation and watch me do my Hospice 101 Presentation then I would get my $2000 bonus. I definitely need that with all the moving expenses I am about to incur. You may be wondering why I haven't put any pics of my new house up. The truth is I haven't reinstalled my camera software from having my computer reformatted several weeks ago. I should do that today... But alas I can't for I am about to drive the hour and a half home and then back here just to take some paperwork I should have sent back with my mom last week for insurance. Dang I hate driving. But I think Alton or Cathy may go with me and that would be nice. I will try to update before next Saturday but no promises.


Charlie said...

The U.S. Postal Service is your friend...

Melanie said...

What? you are a strange bird you are.