Saturday, July 16, 2005

Long week

Okay, so that whole I love my job time is over. Reality has set in and I am exhausted after work each day. Honestly if I let it be my job is somewhat depressing. I mean I ask people if they know anyone who is dying. Obviously I believe that Hospice is a great service; I know my family would have been lost without it. Still I feel like a mental patient when I begin thinking about people as potential patients. I have to keep my eyes on the goal of becoming regional administrator otherwise I think I will shoot myself.
In other news, I was going to cut my front yard today however the ground is still wet from all the rain and I got the mower stuck. No worries the boy across the street came over to help me get it unstuck and he is going to cut my grass (only the front and side yards) from now on. Remember when I moved I wanted the ability to cut my own grass not necessarily doing it myself.
Today is my little cousin's 8th Birthday. I have gotten to be more of an aunt than a cousin to all of them because I am so much older. He is a sweet little guy very shy, but very smart!

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