Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

I'm sure there is a valid answer to my question, but i'm asking anyway. If today is the day Christ was Crucified and died, why is it called good friday? I know that He arose on the third day, and that is good. But what is good about today. Is it good for us because we are all sinners and now our sins are covered and forgiven? Wikipedia had an interesting answer. And as i think about it, i remeber being told that before.
What we call today isn't important. What we celebrate today IS. Today we reckognize Christ sacrifice for us. God is a loving and forgiving God, but He is also a just God. Without Christ blood covering our sins, we would have no hope. Good friday has always struck a cord with me. I find myself wondering what side i would have been on. Would I be one yelling Crucify Him?

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Good to see ya.