Wednesday, November 03, 2004

What a day

Today started out good. Library Research methods was boring as usual but I think I made future classes lives better. We had to watch a video today on using the internet for research . . . can we say 6th grade level. So I, being the senior and favorite in the class, felt it necessary to inform Mrs. Smith of how elementary it was and the assignment she had for us to do today would be completely useless. SCORE out of class early and no homework! Met Lauren for a Gender and Society assignment and went to eat at Dirks. I still like Southern Pleasures better but it was closer to where I needed to be so whatever.
Now for the fun part of the day. . . I arrived at the polls at 12:50 took the oath signed in and got comfy. A few hours later I went to the bathroom and got locked in, long story and I really don’t think I can explain it in words. Just note that the highlight of my day was getting locked in a scary middle school locker/bathroom. Sat for a few more hours, closed the polls, and called headquarters Bush 872 Kerry 3?? And one of the other guys had one vote.
I went to Embassy Suites downtown to watch the numbers come in. At first I thought I would stay long enough to see some of the people who invited me to show my appreciation, but then I met some students who all go to Vaughn Forest Church. I wound up staying from 8-12 it was great times. I might visit out there soon. Went over to Alton’s after leaving and remembered I have to take spy to the vet in the morning for his surgery :( so I came home.
Please say a prayer for him tomorrow that the surgery goes well.
Good Night God Bless

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